Midgley Village Fundraising

Fund Raising in Midgley Village

Midgley Community Forum was established to provide and improve facilities for the local community and in 2010, following many months of hard work, the Forum proudly opened its new Community Room and village shop in the building that had housed the Co-op in days gone by.

Conversion of Shop and Community Facilities with Aid from Funding Agencies

The purchase of the building and its conversion into these community-run facilities was made possible by generous grant aid from the various funding agencies detailed below.

Community Share Issue to Raise Funds

The Forum also launched a community share issue where local people were able to buy shares in the building, which would be repayable after 5 years. A fantastic total of £53,000 was raised through the community shares, which enabled the completion of the building conversion and the fitting out of the shop and community room.

The Forum worked hard hard to raise funds to pay back the shares, with profits from the shop and rental from the flat going straight to Forum funds and set aside for this purpose.

Large and Small Community Events – A Source of Income

Our large-scale community events such as the Fete and Open Gardens are important fund raisers with all profits going to the Forum, whilst smaller events such as quizzes and coffee mornings provide a regular source of income.

Midgley Community Forum – Into the Future

We were able to pay back the community shares in 2014. Fund raising did not stop there however, as our Community building will need continuing modifications, improvements and repairs to make sure it provides the very best facilities that suit the needs of the community.

A Word About Our Sponsors…

We would like to thank the sponsors who made it possible.